People of India have extreme faith in their government. The poor people of India are
increasingly dedicated to their voting process. About 63% of Indians believe that their
vote counts, which is significantly more than that of the United States. Also, the poverty
stricken people of India have a three percent higher voting percentile than those of upper
The Indian people live in a very different type of society when compared to the other
democratic nations of the world. The Indians are a very agricultural people and not very
industrialized. It has taken a lot of time for the idea of industry to catch on. It has only
been recently that the Indians have become a part of the computer software industry. The
main source of income in India is still crops.
The caste system of India holds the Indian people back from making a revolt against the
government, because there are over 4,000 castes in India, and in the rural areas, few
people talk to others outside of their castes.
This is surprisingly an asset for the Indian government. It is unlikely for the poor to rise
up in revolt simply because it is not likely that the barrier between castes will ever be
broken. This means that democracy will still have a good chance for survival even with
the widening rich-poor gap.
With this in mind, if technology and industry were to thrive in India as they do in other
democratic nations, there would surely be disruption to the Indian political process. As it
is now, the vast numbers of poor people remaining uneducated and deprived are unable to
advance in their socioeconomic status. Consequently, this allows the rich-poor gap
continue to grow.
Under India's current conditions, it is virtually unthinkable that a democracy would ever
prosper. It seems to have progressed to date amazingly enough due to the caste system
and due to the fact that the people have faith in their government and voting systems. If
these conditions were not present, it would be quite impossible for India to have achieved
what success it has attained thus far.
increasingly dedicated to their voting process. About 63% of Indians believe that their
vote counts, which is significantly more than that of the United States. Also, the poverty
stricken people of India have a three percent higher voting percentile than those of upper
The Indian people live in a very different type of society when compared to the other
democratic nations of the world. The Indians are a very agricultural people and not very
industrialized. It has taken a lot of time for the idea of industry to catch on. It has only
been recently that the Indians have become a part of the computer software industry. The
main source of income in India is still crops.
The caste system of India holds the Indian people back from making a revolt against the
government, because there are over 4,000 castes in India, and in the rural areas, few
people talk to others outside of their castes.
This is surprisingly an asset for the Indian government. It is unlikely for the poor to rise
up in revolt simply because it is not likely that the barrier between castes will ever be
broken. This means that democracy will still have a good chance for survival even with
the widening rich-poor gap.
With this in mind, if technology and industry were to thrive in India as they do in other
democratic nations, there would surely be disruption to the Indian political process. As it
is now, the vast numbers of poor people remaining uneducated and deprived are unable to
advance in their socioeconomic status. Consequently, this allows the rich-poor gap
continue to grow.
Under India's current conditions, it is virtually unthinkable that a democracy would ever
prosper. It seems to have progressed to date amazingly enough due to the caste system
and due to the fact that the people have faith in their government and voting systems. If
these conditions were not present, it would be quite impossible for India to have achieved
what success it has attained thus far.