Monday, 29 June 2015

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  1. abacus: Frame with balls for calculating 
  2. abate: To lessen, to subside 
  3. abdication: Giving up control, authority 
  4. abdomen: Stomach and bowels 
  5. aberration: Straying away from what is normal 
  6. abeyance; suspended action 
  7. abhor: To hate, to detest 
  8. abide: Be faithful to; endure 
  9. abjure: Promise or swear to give up 
  10. abraded: Rubbed off, worn away by friction 
  11. abrasion: Rubbing, scraping, wearing off 
  12. abrogate: Repeal or annul by authority 
  13. abscond: To go away suddenly (to avoid arrest) 
  14. abstruse: Difficult to comprehend; obscure 
  15. abundant: Plentiful abut: Border on 
  16. abysmal: Bottomless, extreme 
  17. acarpous: Effete, no longer fertile, worn out 
  18. accentuate: Give more force or attention to 
  19. acclaimed: Welcomed with shouts and approval 
  20. accolade: Praise, approval 
  21. accretion: The growing of separate things into one 
  22. acquiesce: In agree (without protest) 
  23. acquisition: Smth acquired, acquiring 
  24. adamant: Kind of stone; inflexible 
  25. adhere: Remain faithful, stick fast to 
  26. adhesion: Adhering, support 
  27. adjacent: Lying near, next 
  28. admonitory: Containing warning 
  29. adorn: Add beauty; decorate 
  30. adulteration: Making unpure, poorer in quality 
  31. affinity: Close connection, relationship 
  32. aggravate: Make worse; irritate 
  33. agile: Active, quick-moving 
  34. ail: Trouble; be ill 
  35. alacrity: Eager and cheerful readiness 
  36. alienate: Estrange allegiance: Duty, support, loyalty 
  37. alleviate: Make (pain) easier to bear 
  38. alloy: To debase by mixing with something inferior 
  39. aloof: Reserved, indifferent 
  40. amalgamate: Mix, combine, unite societies 
  41. ambidextrous: Able to use the left hand or the right equally well ambiguous: Doubtful, uncertain 
  42. ambivalent: Having both of two contrary meanings 
  43. ameliorate: Improve, make better amendment: Improving 
  44. amicable: Friendly 
  45. amortize: End (a debt) by setting aside money 
  46. amplify: Make large or fuller, increase the strength 
  47. animosity: Strong dislike 
  48. annul: Put an end to 
  49. anticlimax: Sudden fall 
  50. antidote: Medicine used against a poison or a disease 
  51. antithetical: Direct opposing 
  52. apartheid: Brutal racial discrimination 
  53. apathetic: Indifference 
  54. aplomb: Self-confidence 
  55. apostate: One who abandons long-held religious or political convictions 
  56. apotheosis: Deification, glorification to godliness 
  57. appease: Make quiet or calm 
  58. apprehensive: Grasping, understanding; fear, unhappy feeling about future apprise: Give notice to, inform 
  59. approbation: Approval 
  60. appropriate: Take for one's own use, acquire, set aside 
  61. apropos: Appropriate to the situation; apt 
  62. apt: Well-suited, quick-witted arabesque: a complex, ornate design arabesque: Whimsical 
  63. arbitrate: Decide by arbitration 
  64. arboreal: Of connected with trees 
  65. ardently: With full of ardor 
  66. ardor: Enthusiasm 
  67. arduous: Steep, difficult 
  68. ascent; laborious argot: Jargon, slang 
  69. arrant: In the highest degree 
  70. arrogance: Proud, superior manner of behaviour 
  71. articulate: Speak distinctly, connect by joints 
  72. ascend: Go or come up ascent: The act of ascending 
  73. ascertain: Get to know 
  74. ascetic: Practicing self-denial, austere, stark ascribe: Consider to be the origin of or belonging to 
  75. asperity: Roughness, harshness, ill temper, irritability 
  76. aspersion: Slander 
  77. assail: With attack violently 
  78. asset: Valuable quality, smth that has money value 
  79. assiduous: Diligent, hard-working, sedulous 
  80. assuage: Make smth (pain, desire) less assumption: Smth supposed but not proved 
  81. asterisk: The mark × (e. g. Omitted letters) 
  82. astringent: Substance that shrinks 
  83. astute: Clever; quick at seeing to get an advantage 
  84. atonement: Repayment; death of Jesus 
  85. attenuate: Make thin. Weaken, enervate 
  86. audacious: Daring, foolishly bold, impudent 
  87. augury: Omen, sign august: Majestic, venerable 
  88. auspice: Protection or support, patronage 
  89. auspicious: Favorable, successful, prosperous 
  90. austere: Severely moral and strict; simple and plain 
  91. auxiliary: Helping, supporting 
  92. aver: Affirm, assert, prove, justify 
  93. aversion: Strong dislike
  94.  avid: Eager, greedy 
  95. avow: Admit. Declare openly 
  96. acumen: Quickness of intellectual insight, or discernment; keenness of discrimination. 
  97. Adage: An old saying. 
  98. adamant: Any substance of exceeding hardness or impenetrability. 
  99. Admonition: Gentle reproof. 
  100. adumbrate: To represent beforehand in outline or by emblem. 
  101. affable: Easy to approach. 
  102. aggrandize: To cause to appear greatly. 
  103. aggravate: To make heavier, worse, or more burdensome. 
  104. agile: Able to move or act quickly, physically, or mentally. 
  105. agog: In eager desire. alacrity: Cheerful willingness. 
  106. alcove: A covered recess connected with or at the side of a larger room. 
  107. Alleviate: To make less burdensome or less hard to bear. 
  108. Aloof: Not in sympathy with or desiring to associate with others. 
  109. Amalgamate: To mix or blend together in a homogeneous body. 
  110. Ambidextrous: Having the ability of using both hands with equal skill or ease. 
  111. Ambiguous: Having a double meaning. 
  112. Ameliorate: To relieve, as from pain or hardship 
  113. anathema: Anything forbidden, as by social usage. 
  114. Animadversion: The utterance of criticism or censure. 
  115. Animosity: Hatred. 
  116. antediluvian: Of or pertaining to the times, things, events before the great flood in the days of Noah.
  117.  antidote: Anything that will counteract or remove the effects of poison, disease, or the like: 
  118. aplomb: Confidence; coolness. 
  119. apprise: To give notice to; to inform. approbation: Sanction. 
  120. arboreal: Of or pertaining to a tree or trees. 
  121. ardor: Intensity of passion or affection. 
  122. argot: A specialized vocabulary peculiar to a particular group. 
  123. Arrant: Notoriously bad. 
  124. ascetic: Given to severe self-denial and practicing excessive abstinence and devotion. 
  125. ascribe: To assign as a quality or attribute. 
  126. Asperity: Harshness or roughness of temper. Assiduous: Unceasing; persistent 
  127. assuage: To cause to be less harsh, violent, or severe, as excitement, appetite, pain, or disease. 
  128. Astringent: Harsh in disposition or character. 
  129. Astute: Keen in discernment. atonement: 
  130. Amends, reparation, or expiation made from wrong or injury. 
  131. audacious: Fearless. 
  132. augury: Omen auspicious: Favorable omen 
  133. austere: Severely simple; unadorned. 
  134. autocrat: Any one who claims or wields unrestricted or undisputed authority or influence. 
  135. Auxiliary: One who or that which aids or helps, especially when regarded as subsidiary or accessory.
    Avarice: Passion for getting and keeping riches.
  136.  Aver: To avouch, justify or prove

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  • Word List A Copyright © abacus: Frame with balls for calculating  abate: To lessen, to subside  abdication: Giving up control, authority  abdomen: Stomach and bowels  aberration: Straying away f… Read More
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