Sunday, 12 July 2015

  • Sunday, July 12, 2015
Its their way to looking forward it but at other end "victim" suffers , he just cannot accept what just really happened.

It is very common you"ll get people who sympathises you about your failure and keep encourages you to move up in your life thereafter,but do they really forgot what all happen just. Is it that simple that someone who really hard prepared for something for such a long time can just let it away just by saying "will be more careful next time" . No it is not , I myself cope up with kind of similar  situation last night and cant get away with it till now.
People react it based on a second or minute even most extreme an hour conversation or consideration to let it be , whatever happens is past and look forward future. Its their way to looking forward it but at other end "victim" suffers , he just cannot accept what just really happened.

Results were announced last night and i got 47.25 marks out of 100 and was needed  47.50 to pass,
thereafter people responding in a usual way what actually society expected to them to react. But doest really that person who just left behind by .25 marks does really needs that , he doesn't need it.
he wants that criticism to burn out his inside fire to do more , more even what is required .
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 The examination will be in two phases.
 The detailed advertisement will be published on 5th October.

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