Wednesday, 7 October 2015

  • Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Hello Readers,
Today we're going to learn another Interesting and time saving technique to find a square root Of a Number upto 10000.
First Of all it is advisable to remember squares upto 40.
How to quickly calculate a square?

Now next thing Is Just Take a look at the squares till 10

If we notice that every square ending In a certain digit have a specific number at units place we just need to remember those numbers
here are such numbers

1 = 1,9
4= 2,8
9= 3,7

Now Take A Square suppose Given Square is 15625
Take another example 

I'm sure practising this technique will help you scoring much and can saves alot time during exams
good luck and share your views in comments below

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RBI has announced the recruitment for 134 GRADE B OFFICERS.
 The examination will be in two phases.
 The detailed advertisement will be published on 5th October.

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