Friday, 22 May 2015

Career after Graduation

No doubt the graduation has got the prime importance as it’s the watershed in one’s career. Because the professional life of an individual is based upon what he/she chooses for him/her. Yes everyone chooses a profession according to the taste and ability of itself. And it is right to much extent. You should go for what you were supposed to and aimed at. Most of the graduates decide after graduation what they have to do. For them numerous pathways and options are present. From the field of science, hospitality, computers to fashion designing, arts, the spectrum is getting broadened. Choose any one and go on to your way. Selection of the career is the major mystery to resolve soon after you are a graduate. Some have decided until they do their graduation but many stay un-oriented. Directionless persons waste themselves and their skills.
Career after graduation
Completion of graduation is the turning point in one’s life. A general graduate (Arts/Sciences/Commerce) has a lot of options and opportunities. One can easily move ahead ensuring itself a bright career. In the government sector like Railways, Banks, Defence, Police and Civil administration number of vacancies exist. What you need to do is keep yourself updated and apply everywhere. You will find a best one soon. In the private sector you can easily find jobs which enlighten your future. There are thousands of job vacancies available in this sector too.
A graduate may be confused in selecting the career which is good for him. To help him out this content is produced. It will guide you in selecting the appropriate one for you. Have a look on the following.
Sales and Marketing:
The world is expanding and population volume is so higher now. And so every field is getting importance. Consumers are increasing day by day, in turn, demand of more workers in sales and marketing companies also increasing. Just take the step and join these companies. You will get the good post indeed. You may work there as sales and marketing executive, IT or other service provider. E-commerce is developing rapidly and provides you very good options with attractive packages. Along with salary you get allowance and high commissions. All depends on your performance.
One of the most potential career options is MBA. It gives you great opportunities in the lines of management, banking, sales-marketing, administration, finance and business. Those who are interested in joining any of the sub-fields have to clear the entrance tests; the entrance test like CAT/MAT/FMS/XAT/IIFT/SNAP arranged by the concerned institutes. You can earn a lot depending upon the capabilities of your own. The range of earning is Rs 25,000 to Rs1, 00,000 per month. If you do more work you can even get more.
Graduation is once completed you are at challenge to decide right for yourself. For you there is another way to get further knowledge. One may do professional courses like CS/CA/CWA /CFA. After these courses you can easily get jobs in private and public sectors industries, banks, MNCs, corporate houses, media houses and many more. The remuneration offered to them is very high as they are the building blocks in these fields. As you grow stronger in your field you will fly over the top. You will be soon a successful person.
Computer Courses: MCA/Animation/Web Design:
The invention and advancement of computers and IT department has thrown up a number of job options for the graduates. You may work as computer operator, software professional, site developer, web designer, animator, logo designer, software developer and more. Courses are offered by several institutes. The benefit of this institute is that you can work as a service provider on your own. But if you join any public or private institute then you earn between Rs10, 000 to Rs50, 000 per month.
Mass Communication and Journalism/Advertising:
Now-a-days explosively expanding trend of the media either electronic or print media has opened up many options. You would be already aware of the posts like correspondents, reporter, anchor person, columnist, editor and radio jockey in media. Trend of advertisement is gone to peak. Chances in the advertisement are very attractive too regarding earning. You can easily earn Rs10, 000 to Rs 50, 000 per month.
Hotel Management:
The restaurants and hotels are the favourite places for the people. Post-graduation or Diploma courses can also be done to grow better in this profession. You can educate yourself from public and private institutes. Now after this degree you can go for catering services, airlines, restaurants, railways, shipping, companies, offices, clubs and a lot. The earning is highly lucrative i.e. Rs 10,000 to Rs 50,000 per month.
Travel and Tourism:                    
Aaahhh! This is the most attractive and lavishing career option for the graduates. One should pay attention to it if he/she feels comfortable with travelling and discovering the world. Along with work you get the chances to move around the world. You can join tour and travel companies, tour agencies, airlines and hotels. You can work even independently as tour guide and travel agent. How much you make money depends upon the quality of services and satisfaction of the customer.
Civil Aviation: Air Hostess/Commercial Pilot:
Air Hostess and Commercial Pilot are the most respectable and promising posts. If you want to join as commercial pilot, you will have to get your graduation done in science. And if someone wishes to become air hostess then she can get training after general graduation. After the certain period of training you are hired in government and private sectors-Depending upon the nature of the job remuneration ranges from Rs 25,000 to Rs 2, 00,000 per month.
Social Work:
Social work not only grooms you up in your professional life but also spiritually. This is one of the promising field is social work. Thousands of NGOs and development industries are working all over the world. You can join any and get yourself hired. Remuneration here is acceptable one.
Legal profession is the shining one and you can help the people a lot. If you want to build up your career as a lawyer or legal consultant do LLB/LLM. You can join judicial services also after qualifying the exams conducted by public service commissions. You can also work independently as a legal consultant. A question rises there, what is the salary? Yes you may earn much but it is the matter of experience and your acceptability by people.
Banking and Finance:
You know banking and finance have grown and prevailed all over the world. And so the opportunities of jobs for graduate students are wide. Many jobs are there in public and private sector banks, insurance companies, stock exchanges, Probationary officer, Development Officer, clerk, auditor, accountant, stock brokers and insurance agent. After successfully completing the NCFM offered by NSE you can join insurance and capital markets. The salary varies between Rs 8,000 to Rs 30,000. All the return depends upon qualification, experiences and quality of work.
Library Science:
Library science is emerging as one of the most promising careers. Its prospective is very high. Diploma/degree is necessary to go for it. Now after getting the required degree you may join private or government library, museum, art galleries and printing and electric media. Now come to salary, it lies between Rs10, 000 to Rs25, 000 per month.
Teaching: B.Ed.
What a noble and prestigious profession teaching is! You are well-aware of the scope you have in teaching. Schools, colleges, academies and all the teaching institutes are waiting for you. Just get the required Teacher’s Training/ B.Ed. programme for teaching in schools either private or public sectors. For teaching in colleges or universities one has to do post-graduation along with NET. Salary ranges between Rs 8,000 to more than 1, 00,000. All depends upon your ability and qualification.
Defence and Police Jobs/Civil Services/Forest Services/Railway Jobs:
Some exams are to be passed to join the defence jobs. If interested in police jobs then one should pass the exam conducted to enter in police department. Paramilitary test are conducted for entering the military. Civil, Forest or Economic services can be joined by passing the exam conducted under UPSC. Railways give options to join it as TTI, Goods Guards and Station Master. Aspirants need to qualify for joining railways.
Film and TV: Acting/Direction/Production:
It gives you the pathway through which you get the fame and wealth both. If you prove yourself best in the field of acting you can rock. You see a bright future ahead. If a good director or producer you easily make trillions in no time. The essential things are patience and consistency with devotion to your work.
You know models are being demanded all over the world. You can get jobs very easily but they chose the cream-of-the-crop. For becoming that much struggle is required. Fulfil the demands of right figure, style, confidence and much more. The salary varies from company to company.
It is the age of designers and everything made by them is inn. All kinds of designers are welcomed warmly in the industries. But to be best at work is necessary for success.
Beauty care:
If you wish to become Hair stylist, beauty therapist, massager, make-up artists etc then do the courses for the relevant field. Earning is very high depending upon the quality of work and customer satisfaction.
Medical Transcription:
Graduates after doing short training course can initiate a career in this profession. The earning is from Rs10, 000 to Rs 30,000 per month.
This throws up many job opportunities for graduates. They only need to do a short training. But if they have good communication skills in English they don’t need this training. They can easily make Rs 8, 000 to Rs 30, 000 monthly.
Content/Technical writing:
Travelling agencies, media and publishing houses are always in need of employers to write the stuff. After 3-6 months training you can join any of these. Pay packages are between Rs 8, 000 to Rs 35,000.
It is best for the graduates. Go ahead and earn money. Self-employment is best of all. The estimate of earning cannot be made. You can make from 0 to the last number. Luck is yours!

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